Thursday, September 30, 2010

With glowsticks, we made light art! We decided to represent the word thug. It took a lot of tries to get it to look good. To make the words look right in the picture you have to write them backwords. Each person drew an individual letter from the word with many glowsticks in their hand.
For our value scale drawings we drew people from our sister school in Canada. Drawing this was very dificult. We started by tracing the pictures of the people at first and then we colored on the back of the tracing paper. When we traced over what we traced before it makes the marking on the paper and you draw over that making it look better. We then made shadows and lightened his face. The value scale was a very hard project for me.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hand Painting and Tape Art.

In art we drew our hands and created an animal out of it.

My inspiration for creating a frog was that a frog is my favorite animal. The steps in creating the frog was first i had to draw my hand in my sketchbook in the shape that of the animal. Second i made the frogs eyes, and mouth. So then the next day i could paint the frog onto my hand. This project worked pretty well, the only thing was that it was a little hard to paint my own hand. The most diffucult thing about this project was trying to draw my hand in the shape that i wanted it.
The next week we made tape art, which is taking masking tape and creating a design out of it. My team came up with our idea of making kite man because he was on the wall next to our table. In class we drew out kite man in our sketchbooks and practiced making him out of tape on the table. We then went out and searched for a place in the school to create our tape art. The next day we took our masking tape and started to create him on a wall in the building. After he was done we used markers and colored part of him so he would stand out better on the white wall. Our tape art came out successful and looked a lot like the actual kite man and looked like our sketches. It mostly worked accept for the masking tape was about the same color of the wall that we created it on. If I was to do this project again i would probably use a different wall considering the color of the masking tape.